'Have you seen the insane AI videos, so easy to do and they look amazing! It's crazy', my mate said. And, yes, I had seen them. My x/twitter feed was packed with them. I watched a computer generated ant travel through a maze of tunnels and amazing environments never before seen. There was just one thing, I felt absolutely nothing. Zip. Nada. A slight feeling of sadness and nostalgia did enter the chat a few hours after the first wave of 'look what AI can do now' had hit me.

Suddenly I was left feeling like I wanted to create again. I wanted to take real photos of real things. I wanted to write without assistance. I wanted to produce something less than perfect. And I felt the urge to find more content created by others too. By humans. Imperfect beings that produce imperfect content. But content that make me feel. Anything. I just want to feel something.

So there I was, contemplating buying a camera again. A real, old school camera. Not a smart phone one, but one with a lens that protrudes. One with physical dials. I don't want to write an instruction for AI to create an image, I want to capture what's in front of me. Walking in the local neighbourhood, by the beach or on a hike somewhere. Just something real.

So here I sit. Writing again. Taking photos again. Walking around a place I know well, but wanting to capture it. The reality of it. Something to allow me to continue to feel.

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