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Hiking  | May 29, 2024

'You're not worthy of a uniform. You're but an amoebae.' Words stuck in my mind forever. Day 1 of compulsory military service. I'd just come back from Thailand. I was tanned. And in shock. I was standing in a corridor, looking like

Hiking  | May 24, 2024
A desert life.

In a rushed existence where you're bombarded by stimulation and information, the stillness of a flat, sandy desert is almost confronting in its nothingness.

Hiking  | May 23, 2024
Garmin love.

I remember my first fitness watch. It was a revelation. I love to hike, and whilst part of that experience was the uncertainty around what’s next, suddenly knowing how far I’d walked enabled me to relax more. An hour ahead of time? Pack down, have a snooze in

Tales of wombats & a possum.

This is a tale about a tent, a gang of wombats & a possum ring leader...

Solitude can be bliss.

Solitude is sometimes bliss. No mobile reception. No people. No cars. Everything you need packed neatly (well, that's what I strive for anyway)) in a pack on my back. I want for nothing. This is my happy place.

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