Songs have a special ability. They allow you to time travel. Details, feelings, smells. A few notes, and your mind is back in a time and space long since past. 

And some songs seem to follow you throughout life. Like a protective guardian, there when you need them. Through the good and the bad. 

One song like that has been there with me since my teens. As my life and the world around me changed, it is still here. I remember first hearing Oasis in the mid 90's, coming back from a night out and tuning into MTV and being immediately captivated by 'Live Forever'. But it was another song on that first album (Definitely Maybe) that stood out. 'Slide Away' just cut through me. I felt it.

As time moved on, I remember the moments when it stood by my side. I'm not sure if it is because I love the song that I've made the connection, but somehow it has been part of the soundtrack around life's big moments. In love, loss, accidents, misfortune, celebrations, wins and losses. Somehow it is always there. 

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